Wednesday, May 13, 2009

green energy

green energy

BOSTON, May 11 (Reuters) - General Electric Co (GE.N) plans to unveil a new energy technology on Tuesday, expanding its "Ecomagination" green business push that last year generated $17 billion in revenue.

Jeff Immelt, chief executive of the largest U.S. conglomerate, is scheduled to discuss the move at GE's global research center in Niskayuna, New York, a spokesman said.

The Fairfield, Connecticut-based company's "Ecomagination" program spans its diverse businesses, including products from electricity-generating wind turbines and solar cells, to high-efficiency jet engines and railroad locomotives, to compact-fluorescent lightbulbs sold in stores.

The Obama administration has made so-called green energy -- that produced from sources that do not release greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change -- a key thrust of its two-year, $787 billion economic stimulus package. (Reporting by Scott Malone)

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