Saturday, June 6, 2009

anna hansen photo

anna hansen photo
Is he Cute?
Lance Armstrong's girlfriend Anna Hansen gave birth to a son with the champion cyclist, and Armstrong wasted little time in announcing the good news via Twitter: "Wassup, world? My name is Max Armstrong and I just arrived. My Mommy is healthy and so am I!"
Baby's first tweet!
He sent out the announcement shortly before midnight on Thursday, following up later with the pertinent stats: Max weighed in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces, and is 20 inches long.
Armstrong has three children with his ex-wife, Kristin, all conceived with frozen sperm and through in vitro fertilization because the cyclist had to undergo chemotherapy to treat testicular cancer. His reps confirmed that he conceived the baby with Hansen naturally.
After romancing a number of high-profile blondes including actress Kate Hudson, designer Tory Burch, and Sheryl Crow (he reportedly ended their engagement because her biological clock was ticking but he wasn't ready to be a father again), he started dating Hansen last summer. They've settled in Aspen.

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